88 Days on an Australian Farm:

My Hippie Adventures on a Biodynamic Farm atop a Hill

88 days on an Australian farm

Hello wanderluster!

If you are here, I guess you have Australia in your heart or in your dreams… or both. If you follow me on social media, you know that down under is where Matteo and I met. Our bureaucratic and visa-related adventures are well-known, but today I want to talk about the 88 days in Australia that changed my life: those spent on a farm.

If you have already read my article Discover the Different Visas for Australia, you should know that one way to stay long-term (up to two years) down under is to apply for a Working Holiday Visa and, once you arrive in Australia, spend 88 days on a remote farm in the Australian outback.

I’m not going to talk about the various types of work you can find in these environments; you just need to know that before finding my happy island (or rather hill), I changed many farms. I was in the Australian desert picking beans, in the vast lands of Mildura picking mandarins, but nothing suited me.

When I met Matteo, we moved to Byron Bay, where, by pure chance, I met Kieran, a man who had a biodynamic farm on top of a hill in the hinterland of Byron. It seemed like the perfect solution to my problems since by going to him, I wouldn’t have to leave Matteo and cross half of Australia again to work in remote areas… but there was obviously a problem: Kieran’s farm could sign my visa documents, but it couldn’t afford to pay me. However, I decided to stay anyway and worked for him for 88 days entirely for free.

This marked the beginning of a significant transformation for me…

Day 1: My Arrival in Paradise

After a long car journey, I finally reached the biodynamic farm. The view from the top of the hill was breathtaking, with green fields and blue skies on the horizon. I was welcomed by Kieran and his family with smiles and kindness. They were used to hosting occasional workers, and a welcoming feeling enveloped the entire place. It was the first day of a new life; I immediately accepted Kieran’s conditions because I fell in love with that place, that family, and that environment.

Erano persone abituate ad ospitare lavoratori occasionali e una sensazione di benvenuto avvolgeva tutto il luogo.

È stato il primo giorno di una nuova vita, accettai subito le condizioni di Kieran perché mi innamorai di quel luogo, di quella famiglia e di quell’ambiente.

Life in Rhythm

Farm life had its unique rhythm. The days started early with the sunrise. I didn’t live with them; Matteo took me there four mornings a week (the other days I worked in a café in the town). I learned to make decisions based on the lunar cycle and worked with the land in a way that was in harmony with nature. The food was locally grown and cooked with love, with ingredients directly from our farm. It’s incredible how delicious food can taste when it is grown with love and care.

Lunch was magical; we all ate together, with the other girls who had embarked on the same journey. Kieran would share his story, and we would share ours.

Join the Tribe

The farm was an eclectic community of like-minded souls. My companions were young hippies, artists, travelers, and free spirits. I got to know their stories and their life philosophies. We shared dinners around the fire, danced under the stars, and talked about peace, love, and sustainability. It was a tribe where everyone was welcome and respected. There were no prejudices, no envy or jealousy; we were all friends and would get together even outside of “work.”

88 Days of Happiness on the Farm

Work was never lacking, but it had never been so rewarding. We planted trees, seeds, tended the fields, created art with recycled materials, and built sustainable structures. There was joy in the manual work and in seeing the fruits of our labor. We had a common philosophy of reducing, reusing, and recycling, and the environment around us reflected this dedication.

As time passed, I began to feel a deep connection with the earth and with myself. The morning meditations, the thanksgiving rituals, and the deep conversations with the other girls helped me become the woman I am today. I realized that well-being is not just about the body but also the spirit.

Day 88: A Heavy Heart and a Bright Future

Day 88 arrived sooner than I could have ever imagined. I had to say goodbye to this wonderful community and my refuge on top of the hill. My heart was heavy, but I was grateful for the lessons learned and the friendships made. These 88 days had been a gift to the soul.

I was fortunate to live not far from the farm and continued to visit Kieran several times a week, but it wasn’t the same.

In conclusion, my 88 days on this biodynamic hippie farm atop a hill were an adventure like no other. I learned to connect with nature, be part of a tribe of like-minded souls, and cultivate my spirit. It was a magical experience that I will always carry with me, a reminder of how simplicity and love can fill our lives with meaning.

If you ever have the opportunity to experience something similar, don’t hesitate to do it. The magic of the farm is just waiting to be discovered.

It wasn’t easy; the work was hard, and the temperatures were extreme, but I will never stop thanking that place for making me who I am today.


☀️ Sara ☀️

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