Anuradhapura: What to See with Kids

Exploring the Ancient Capital of Sri Lanka

Anuradhapura with kids

Sri Lanka, a tropical gem in the heart of the Indian Ocean, is renowned for its rich history and unique culture. Among its historical wonders, Anuradhapura stands out as one of the most significant sites. This article will guide you through discovering Anuradhapura with kids, providing details on its location, distances from other locations, and how to make this experience educational and memorable.

Introduction to Anuradhapura with kids

Anuradhapura, located in the northern region of Sri Lanka, is a city with a millennia-old history dating back to the 4th century BCE. This ancient city was the capital of Sri Lanka for over a thousand years and is now a major tourist destination. The archaeological site is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its impressive religious ruins, palaces, artificial lakes, and Buddhist monasteries. The ruins cover an area of over 40 square kilometers, making it a playground for explorers of all ages.

Geographical Location

Anuradhapura is situated in the heart of Sri Lanka, approximately 206 kilometers north of Colombo, the capital of the country. It is easily accessible from numerous cities and tourist locations, making it an ideal stop on your family travel itinerary.

  • Distance from Colombo: Approximately 206 kilometers (about 4-5 hours by car)
  • Distance from Kandy: Approximately 144 kilometers (about 3-4 hours by car)
  • Distance from Sigiriya: Approximately 85 kilometers (about 2-3 hours by car)


Planning Your Trip tu Anuradhapura with kids

Before embarking on your trip to Anuradhapura with kids, it is important to carefully plan your itinerary:

  • Visiting Hours: The main ruins of Anuradhapura are open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. It is advisable to visit the sites in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the hottest hours of the day.
  • Entrance Tickets: Ticket prices may vary depending on nationality and children’s age. It is helpful to check the costs in advance.
  • Appropriate Attire: Ensure that you and your children wear appropriate clothing to visit sacred sites, such as covering shoulders and knees.


What to See and Do in Anuradhapura with Kids

Anuradhapura cosa vedere con i bambini? La città offre una vasta gamma di siti storici e culturali che possono interessare sia i genitori che i bambini:

  • Ruwanwelisaya: Questa enorme dagoba, o stupa, è uno dei principali luoghi di culto del Buddhismo in Sri Lanka. I bambini saranno affascinati dalla maestosità dell’architettura antica.
  • Sri Maha Bodhi: Questo albero sacro è considerato uno dei più antichi al mondo ed è il luogo in cui si dice sia stata piantata una talea dell’albero sotto cui il Buddha raggiunse l’illuminazione. I bambini possono imparare la storia e la spiritualità di questo luogo.
  • Kuttam Pokuna: Questi due stagno gemelli risalenti al 7° secolo d.C. sono un esempio straordinario di architettura idraulica antica. I bambini possono apprezzare la bellezza e l’ingegneria dei vecchi tempi.

Activities for Kids in Anuradhapura

To make the experience more engaging for children, you can organize some special activities during your visit to Anuradhapura:

  • Treasure Hunt: Create a treasure hunt with clues that will lead them to discover the ruins and history of Anuradhapura.
  • Painting and Drawing: Bring notebooks and colored pencils so children can capture what they see and experience their creativity.
  • Stories and Legends: Tell children stories and legends related to the places you visit, helping them better understand the culture of Sri Lanka.

What to Eat in Anuradhapura with kids

After an intense day of exploration, you can enjoy delicious Sri Lankan dishes at local restaurants. Make sure to ask for dishes suitable for children’s tastes, such as rice and curry, roti, or chicken skewers. If your kids don’t like spicy food, I recommend reading our article on How to Introduce Spicy Food to kids in Sri Lanka.

Anuradhapura is an educational and exciting experience for kids, who can discover the history and culture of Sri Lanka through ancient ruins and fascinating stories. With careful planning and a dose of creativity, this family adventure will be an unforgettable chapter in your travel book. I hope this article on What to See in Anuradhapura with Kids has been helpful in planning your next trip.

Digitally yours

☀️ Sara ☀️

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