How to Search for Correct Information on Google

A Journey into the World of Online Research

Search for correct information on Google

In an era where technology reigns supreme, knowing how to make the most of digital tools is essential, especially when it comes to learning and obtaining accurate information. Google, the giant search engine, becomes our travel companion in the fascinating world of knowledge. Let’s discover together the importance of mastering the art of searching for precise information for effective learning.

I’m convinced I might lose some points with today’s article, but I need to write it; do you know why?

To follow a path!


For some time now, you might have noticed that I’m more exposed on social media, sharing my ideas and points of view.

There’s one topic on which I get tons of criticism, even from within my own family: the digital world.

Let’s start with the main premise: I love everything that’s new!

Artificial Intelligence in Today's World

In my opinion, evolution is an integral part of being human. It distinguishes us from animals and can take us far.

I don’t want to talk about evolution in a negative sense. In one of my latest Instagram posts, I was attacked because I said that AI doesn’t steal jobs.

Some comments pointed out that this isn’t true and that this technology is already causing many job losses.

I could go on for pages about this, but in summary, my thought is that AI replaces humans in processes where it’s INDISPENSABLE for humans to be replaced.

We need to evolve, and to do this, it’s necessary that people don’t waste time on tasks that can be done by a machine.

This is my thought, you don’t have to share it, but I want to make my point of view clear.

We live in a fast-paced world, and it’s essential for us to learn to adapt to change.

The Importance of Knowing How to Search for Correct Information on Google

Today, I want to talk about Google, another “demon.”

People who get information from Google are often looked down upon, and it’s even believed that many people fall into a hypochondriac loop because they search for cures for their symptoms.

The famous Dr. Google is now seen as a three-headed demon in the collective imagination, so much so that many search for information on the search engine but don’t admit it.

Okay, I’m here to loudly proclaim that I STUDY ON GOOGLE.

Of course, I don’t study ONLY on Google, but a large part of my education comes from the content I was able to find there… and even the most expensive courses I’ve taken were all found through the search engine.

How did I do it?

I learned how to use Google!!

I know how to “place” pages in top positions because I know how to search.

Today, the content is so abundant that we could get lost (I’ve talked a lot about this in my article “Anyone Can Communicate”), yet no one stops creating content.

We live in a historical period where we have the luxury, thanks to technology, of being able to access the content of the brightest minds of our century directly.

In my opinion, this is a priceless gift… unfortunately, many people get lost in demonizing technology.

Google is a demon only if you don’t know how to use it… today, it’s crucial to learn how to turn search engines to our advantage.

Whoever succeeds, wins!!!

Thus, even content overload isn’t so harmful.

Navigating the Ocean of Information on Google

Google is much more than a simple search engine; it’s a reliable study companion. Learning to use its features to the fullest means having access to endless resources, from the most accredited to the less known, that can enrich our knowledge base.

  • Strategies for Effective Searching Do you want to know the two points on which all search engine rules hinge? The practice is much simpler than it might seem.
  • Targeted Keywords Learning to formulate the right keywords is crucial. Use specific and relevant terms for your searches to get more targeted and reliable results.
  • Filtering Sources Not all information online is created equal. Being able to assess the credibility of sources is essential. Check the origin of the information and verify its authenticity to build a solid knowledge base.

Optimizing Learning with Google


  • Google Scholar and Google Books For your academic research, Google Scholar is a valuable tool. Moreover, Google Books offers access to a vast virtual library, allowing you to explore texts and publications without leaving home.
  • Lessons from YouTube YouTube is a rich resource of tutorials and lessons. Use this platform to enhance your learning with educational videos on a wide range of topics.


Where to Learn Today

Faced with this multitude of content possibilities, the era of learning at school desks is over: to stand out, we need to distinguish ourselves… and we all know that school isn’t the right place.

Here’s one of the reasons why my kids don’t attend school… I have the ambition to teach them to learn on their own, to channel their interests.

It’s an ambitious project, and I must admit that I’m also working on myself: I haven’t finished learning and I never will.

My stance on technology is very pro; I feel electrified when I talk about all the new things we can witness today.

In conclusion, the power of Google as a source of information is invaluable, but its effectiveness depends on how we use it. Developing online research skills opens the doors to a vast universe of knowledge, allowing us to study smarter and more efficiently. Let’s hone our search skills and embrace the future of digital learning.

Search for Correct Information on Google

Remember, the key to learning effectively is to search for correct information on Google. When you master this skill, you open yourself up to endless possibilities. Whether you’re looking for academic research, personal development, or even planning a trip with your kids, the ability to search for correct information on Google is your ticket to success. So, don’t just browse aimlessly; make sure to always search for correct information on Google and take full advantage of what this powerful tool has to offer.

Digitally Yours

☀️ Sara ☀️ 

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