Cervia Sal pans After the Flood

Saline di Cervia dopo l’alluvione

Discovering Natural Wonders Among Salt and Pink Flamingos

Hello travelers with little explorers in tow!

Ready for a Salt Adventure in the Wonderful Saline di Cervia Nature Reserve?

Are you ready for a saline adventure in the marvelous Saline di Cervia Nature Reserve? If you want to give your kids a unique experience of connecting with nature and wildlife, you cannot miss this fascinating corner of Italy.

This place, severely affected by the flood in May 2023, was a savior for the town of Cervia as it protected the homes by channeling all the excess water from the most affected areas.

Today it is back to its normal operation, but after the significant damage it suffered, it certainly deserves a crucial role in your itinerary in this area.

Welcome to the Saline di Cervia!

We are here in Cervia, on the beautiful Adriatic coast of Emilia-Romagna, in one of Italy’s most fascinating nature reserves: the Saline di Cervia. This is a place where nature blends with history and culture uniquely. That’s why it’s the perfect destination for a day of exploration with your little travelers.

The Salt Museum: An Educational Journey

La visita alle Saline di Cervia inizia spesso al Museo del Sale, un luogo affascinante che offre una panoramica completa della storia, della produzione e dell’importanza del sale in questa regione. Questo museo non è solo un posto per ammirare oggetti antichi, ma è anche un’esperienza educativa coinvolgente per i bambini.

Una delle prime cose che i vostri piccoli esploratori impareranno è come il sale veniva estratto dalle saline e trasportato lungo i canali. Potranno vedere strumenti antichi, come le pale e le carriole, che venivano usati per raccogliere il prezioso minerale. Immaginate i loro occhi che si illuminano mentre ascoltano le storie di avventurieri che una volta si addentravano in questa impresa!

Pink Flamingos: The Spectacular Inhabitants of the Saline

But let’s get to one of the most exciting moments of the visit: the encounter with pink flamingos! These majestic migratory birds are regular guests at the Saline di Cervia and represent one of the main natural attractions of the area. For kids, seeing these pink birds in flight or feeding in the salt waters is an unforgettable experience.

Pink flamingos are fascinating not only for their color and elegance but also for their social behavior. You can explain to your kids how these birds gather in colonies and how their feathers turn pink due to a carotene-rich diet, a type of shrimp typical of the saltwater environments.

Salina Camillone: History, Tradition, and Rebirth After the Flood

Besides the main Saline di Cervia, don’t forget to visit the Salina Camillone. This site is of great historical significance and is a testament to the region’s salt-making past. Walking along the paths of this ancient salt pan, kids can imagine how salt production operations were carried out in the past.

The saltwater found here is still used to produce the famous Cervia sea salt, which is particularly renowned for its purity and quality.

This salt pan, the only manually operated one still active, was heavily damaged by the flood that literally washed everything away. After weeks underwater, it has reemerged in all its splendor.

The salt produced from the Salina Camillone is not sold in large distribution but is available at the Saline di Cervia’s sales point, and the proceeds go directly to funding this natural and historical heritage.

Practical Tips for the Visit

Here are some practical tips to make your trip to the Saline di Cervia a success:

  • Appropriate Clothing: Make sure to wear comfortable clothes suitable for the coastal climate. Bring hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Packed Lunch: If you plan to spend the whole day, it might be useful to bring a packed lunch. Many areas of the Saline are ideal for a family picnic.
  • Flamingo Observation: To observe the flamingos up close, bring binoculars or cameras with zoom lenses. Always respect the recommended distances to avoid disturbing the birds.
  • Guide or Tour: If you prefer, you can also opt for a guided tour, which will provide additional information and insights into the Saline ecosystem.

To book your visit, refer to the official Salina di Cervia website.

The Saline di Cervia is an ideal destination for a day of adventure and discovery with the family. Here, your kids can learn about the history of salt, admire the pink flamingos, and immerse themselves in the surrounding natural beauty.

It’s an experience that will leave a lasting impression on your little travelers, offering them a unique opportunity to connect with nature and history.

If your kids are of school age or particularly interested in art cities, I highly recommend my articles on Ravenna with kids and Cesena: Discovering the Cultural Treasure of the Malatestiana Library with Kids.

If you’re nearby on a sunny day, there’s a magical place just a few kilometers away that you can’t miss. Learn more in the article: The Wild Romagna Riviera You Didn’t Expect.

Happy travels to the Saline di Cervia.

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1 year ago

Le saline di Cervia e il relativo Museo del Mare sono da un po’ nella mia wishlist … sono appena ritornata da Rimini e non ho avuto proprio tempo di andarci. Ho visto proprio le visite guidate alle saline e mi attirava anche quello in barca.

Vuol dire che sarà per la prossima volta appena visiterò la Riviera Romagnola!

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